Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I need some type of emotion rehabilitation or a mental pause. I'll be back in a week or so. Promise. =] I just need time to reevaluate some things in my life or what-not.

Btw, He and I are completely done with each other.

I'm single, but I shall be investing my time and energy on myself. My prince will come, eventually. I shall explain what had happened fully when I return.


  1. Sucks Mikki, I too just lost someone that I cared for deeply. I thought if I tackled the situation head on .. the outcome would work in my favor. Sadly, it may have pushed her farther away than I'd want - outta state away. Look forward to your return - keep your tumblr updated though! ;)

  2. Oh no! It will be okay!!! :(

    Yeah just do YOU and when you least expect it Prince Charming will be knocking at your door

  3. Wow u and him are completly done i hope u guys can work ot out u look happy with him if u miss him i would def try and reach out before its to late

  4. He reached out, but it was too late.

  5. U guys were together for a long time i wouldnt just give up on it yet if he reached out thats a step

  6. Oh no, sad but unfortunately everyone got to move on, even though its hard thing to do. keeep your head up let, you have heart and beauty..thats alot morethan other grls have...a good friend looking out..


Gracias for the input. =P

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