Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mikki's Kaarawan!

My early birthday present.
Baby-G. =] I LOVE IT.
Kudos to my folks.
(Excuse my hair. I have it in a side ponytail. Lol. Also, please excuse the grainy quality of the picture. I got lazy, so I just used the built-in cam from the laptop. Lol.)
TO Mikki!!!!!!

(EDIT: BTW, thank you, Bf, for being the first person to greet me at twelve o'clock on the dot. =P)

I understand that this is a day that signifies the fact that I'm getting closer to my death. HAHA. In actuality, that's what it is though. For the most part, it's a celebration for withstanding another year in this hellhole, we call Earth. I thank God for letting me live another year. Also, I'm legal. Oh geez. HAHAHA.

My 13th birthday.
(For the people who don't know how old I am, do the math.)
(AND, I didn't know that I can schedule when I want to post my posts, even if I wrote them like 3 years ago. Lol. This is the first post that I scheduled to be posted on a certain date. =p I feel empowered. HAHA.)


  1. happpppy birthday! <3
    ... its about time too damn lol.

  2. Thanks ma. =]
    HAHA, I know, right?

  3. I notice how your family always have the same type of cake, as from what I've seen on your blog posts.

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Yuppppp! Carvel's ice cream cake; one of my faves. =]

    Thanks. =p

  5. Happy Birthday and cool blog! Will def read! :D


  6. happy birthday, your blog is crack btw : )

  7. Thank you, thank you. =]

    Much appreciated.

  8. Seeing you with little boobies and short hair is pretty interesting, I would have never been able to picture that on my own hahaha.

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Straight 'FOB' (FreshOftheBoat) .

    That was like 1.5 years of me being in the states.


Gracias for the input. =P

Follow and Twit me @SNEAkUHbUTT