My patience finally ran out. I'm drained. He's drained. We are both getting sick of all that nonsensical fighting; I'm sure of it. All I want is time, attention, affection, and all the other stuff I told Him about. He knows and He tries. He is such an amazing person. I appreciate Him dearly, but sometimes things are just not meant to be. It's funny because when we're good, it's like peanut butter and jelly. When we're bad, it's like oil and water. I feel like I'm always getting the last minute. I hate getting the crumbs. I feel like a fucking beggar waiting for people to throw me leftovers. Whatever happened to MY piece? Motherfucking people are so hungry that they took my shit, too. Fuckers. ARGGGGGGGGG. I'm frustrated, pissed, confused, sad, and whatever negative connotation in regard to my situation.
I was fine before; I'll be fine later though.
I try not to be selfish, but human beings are innately like that. I mean like shit, but what the fuck... Some people just don't fucking think. I've been through that phase, but I never ruin anybody else's shits. I'm so sick and tired of being so sick and tired. So, fuck it.

From now on, it's all about me.
Fuck everybody.
Fuck the world.