Lol, random pic. I thought it was funny. It has nothing to do with the post. HAHA.
I stole this from LALALIYBEAN, who got it from Reese, who jacked it from some other people, and so the list goes on. Lol.
:1: MY EX- is Jamaican, and can sing.
:2: MAYBE I SHOULD- start exercising.
:3: I LOVE- my laptop, my iPod, and all my stuff, my family, PORN, Japanese food, and dark chocolate.
:4: PEOPLE WOULD SAY THAT I'M- uncanny, well, more like unique.
:5: I DON'T UNDERSTAND- human beings who, from birth, have penises and testicles.
:6: WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING- I check what time it is.
:7: I LOST- my optimism.
:8: LIFE IS FULL OF- inane, random bullshit.
:9: MY PAST IS- grotesque.
:10: I GET ANNOYED WHEN- shit doesn't go my way.
:11: PARTIES ARE- like an escape from Earth.
:12: I WISH- for happiness. (Damn, I sound emo. Lol.)
:13: DOGS- are fuckin' mean, especially Shayna's evil little shit she calls Checkers.
:14: CATS- are afraid of water.
:15: TOMORROW- is another day.
:16: I HAVE LOW TOLERANCE- for smelly breath.
:17: IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS- I would buy me a car, and use the rest to make it rain in my room. HAHA.
:18: I'M TOTALLY TERRIFIED- of shit that doesn't exist, like the Boogeyman. (I sleep with the lights on. Lol.)
Yes, Random. Lol. New Nine West heels; new addition to the family. =]

So in love with them. =p